Demo: Simulating the RED model
Jaideep Joshi
11 March 2022
RED Model
RED is a simple model of vegetation demographics. The state variable is biomass, and the demographic rates are described as follows:
\[ g(x,t,E) = g_0 x^{\phi_g},\\ \mu(x,t,E) = \mu_0,\\ \beta(x,t,E) = \beta_0 g(x,t,E)\cdot E. \]
The light environment depends on the total crown area of all individuals in the forest, whereas individual crown area depends on biomass, \[ A(x) = a_0 x^{\phi_a}\\ E = 1-E_0 \int_{x_b}^{x_m} A(x)u(x)dx \] For details, see what is a PSPM?
Let’s also define the initial condition to be \[ u_0(x) = 100/x^4 \]
The Individual class
Let’s call the class that represents individuals as RED_Plant. We can define it as follows, with member variables to store the model parameters:
class RED_Plant : public IndividualBase{
double g0 = 0.0838;
double phiG = 0.7134;
double mu0 = 0.035;
double beta0 = 0.111;
double init_density(double x, void * env, double input_seed_rain){
return 100/pow(x,4);
double growthRate(double x, double t, void * env){
return g0*pow(x,phiG);
double mortalityRate(double x, double t, void * env){
return mu0;
double birthRate(double x, double t, void * env){
* env1 = (LightEnvironment*)env;
LightEnvironmentreturn beta0 * g0*pow(x,phiG) * env1->E;
Next, we can define the environment as follows, where we use the
Solver’s integrate_x()
function to compute the state
The Environment class
class LightEnvironment : public EnvironmentBase{
double a0 = 0.396;
double phiA = 0.749;
double E0 = 1e-4;
double E = 0;
void computeEnv(double t, Solver * S, std::vector<double>::iterator s, std::vector<double>::iterator dsdt){
// _xm
// Calculate _/ w(z,t)u(z,t)dz
// xb
auto w = [S, this](int i, double t) -> double {
double z = S->species_vec[0]->getX(i);
return a0*pow(z, phiA);
= 1 - E0*S->integrate_x(w, t, 0);
E }